Investiture Ceremony

‘If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, then you are a leader.”

This momentous day at FSSE dawned to bestow responsibilities on the deserving young talents of the school to lead their school from the front with their commitment, confidence, and competence.

The school held the investiture ceremony on 28 Jun 2023 with great enthusiasm. It was the occasion where the young students were all prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted to them by the school. To inculcate leadership qualities in students and to give them a feeling of being an important and integral part of the administrative body, the ‘Student Council’ is formed every year.

The event began with a prayer song sung by the students of grade 7&8. The chief guest, correspondent, and principal, all those who were present were welcomed wholeheartedly by grade 9 students. The ceremony began with a spectacular march past by the newly elected Leaders along with the House students. The elegant march of the leaders expressed the rich legacy and values of FSSE to their juniors. The function was presided over by Rev. Fr. Gamaliyel the Correspondent and Rev. Fr. James Benjamin the chief guest.

The school pupil leader, assistant school pupil leader, and the leaders of the various groups and movements were honored with badges, and the flags of respective groups and movements were given. The newly elected leaders took oath to perform their duties and responsibilities towards the group and the school. Then the chief guest of the day Fr. James Benjamin addressed the gathering and wished everyone with a message.

Fr. Correspondent congratulated the newly appointed leaders and all the others for their preparedness to take up responsibilities entrusted to them. He motivated them to do as they say and say what they do.

The grade 5 student proposed the vote of thanks. The spectacular and mesmerizing investiture ceremony was concluded with the national anthem.