Elocution Competition

Handwriting course

” The only thing most people do better
than anyone else is read their own hand writing.” Hand writing course has
been conducted in our school from 3 July – 11 July 2023. Students from the
classes Grade 1 to Grade 9 participated in this course to showcase their best handwriting. Home works also were given  at the end of each day .Teachers also participated to beautify their handwriting than ever before. Calligraphy writing was insisted in this course.

Powerful Speakers

An elocution competition is the art of public speaking that gives us self-boost and confidence to speak in front of a large audience. It enables children to create a connect with the audience who is listening to them through voice modulation.

It was held in the month of July. Sixty-two children participated and 34 children were shortlisted for the finals. This is done annually, in an attempt to promote English speaking skills, in terms of pronunciation, delivery, and voice modulation, and to develop English in its spoken form. The competition gave a lot of encouragement and confidence to the performers and to all the students present there. The young and gifted orators had won the hearts of the judges, who were overwhelmed by their oratory skills and preparation. The confidence, expression and talent of the young ones made the event truly memorable.